School News

Cooke Real Estate School Enters the E-Book World

- Apr 16, 2010      Archive

Yesterday, April 15, 2010, Cooke Real Estate School began offering e-books relating to the real estate business free to the general public. All one has to do to put in their name and email address and the link to the e-book will be automatically generated to the individual. The link to the e-book will be automatically sent to the individual by email.

E-books or eco-books as they are called are basically the digital equivalent to the traditional printed book but its content is read on a personal computer or on the new Apple iPad or any device that can be used as an e-book reader. As technology increases, devices and software that provide the e-book material will get better and easier to use which will make the turning of the pages easier by touch screen technology. As a result of this, more and more people will be using the technology for their reading material. Someday all printed material will be a thing of the past.

E-books are a great way to get fiction and nonfiction books to the reading public in an economical manner. There is no shipping, no storage space, and the e-book is environmental friendly and quicker to get the textbook to the reader.

Cooke will continue to expand this e-book offering and hope that the materials that are offered will be helpful in developing the reader’s real estate career.

Frank Cooke
Cooke Real Estate School